The MD 421 is a well-known Sennheiser microphone of proven reliability and perÂformÂance for many years now. Because of its excellent quality it is being used for almost all kinds of applications. The broadcasting stations use it for radio and TV field work, the musician prefers it for stage work as well as the recording amateur for home and outdoor recordings. The studio cardioid microphone MD 421 features a wide frequency response from 30 to 17,000 Hz. Its high sensitivity and slight increase in response towards high frequencies are responsible for its brilliant sound. Each microphone is custom calibrated and delivered with its own perÂformÂance chart which may be comÂpared with the published standard perÂformÂance plot printed in this leaflet. Each individual frequency plot has to fall within the published limits of the standard perÂformÂance curve. The cardioid directional characteristic of the MD 421 with its front-to-back ratio of approximately 18 dB is an important feature making the microphone suitable for use in sound reinforcement systems and all situations where it has to be used near loudspeakers.
Rugged professional microphone
Five position bass roll-off switch
Effective feedback rejection
Clear sound reproduction
Easy handling due to pronounced directivity